"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)
The Brotherhood of Noble Joseph consists mainly of the liturgical staff. The goal is to create an enviroment where the people are engaged in worship and prayer. The Brotherhood of Noble Joseph hopes to achieve this goal by improving communication, advance preparation, and strengthering bonds as a brotherhood, not merely a staff.
V. Rev. Fr. Paul Solberg, Interim Pastor
Sdn. Charles Khoury
Sdn. Elie Bardawil
Sdn. Sean Hatem
Sdn. Louis Hatem
Sdn. Hanna Soufia
Acolytes (Altar Servers)
"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to God while I have my being." (Psalm 103:33-34)
The choir and the chanters sing the responses for the liturgical services of the church. If anyone would like to join the choir, please see Fr. Saba or any of the individuals below.
Choir Director:
Mr. Jackson King
Mr. Jackson King (Lead Chanter)
Dr. Don Shalhub
The Ushers at Saint George Cathedral are directed to assist during the liturgical services by keeping order and maintaining the sanctity of the service. They help the clergy and the choir to create a prayerful environment for all those present. The Ushers also distribute the Weekly Bulletin and greet the worshipers at the entrance guiding them into the Church. To join the team of Ushers, please contact Yamil Zacur (Lead Usher) on Sunday after the service.