Pastoral Appointments

Schedule Your Pastoral Appointment

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Your spiritual journey and well-being are of utmost importance to our Orthodox Christian community. Whether you're seeking guidance, have questions about our faith, or simply need someone to talk to, I am here to assist and support you. This appointments page provides an organized and efficient way to ensure that everyone can have their time with me.

Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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70th Anniversary Banquet - 06/17/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Anniversary Luncheon - 06/18/23

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Statement from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East


At a time when Syria's wounds have been bleeding for more than three years, amidst the wounds of Iraq, which has experienced conflict since the 1980's, amidst the unrest that is sweeping countries near and far, and amidst the world's indifference to Palestine's wounds, which have not healed in almost seventy years, these days in particular we are witnessing a multiplication of these wounds in the expulsion of Mosul's Christians and the all-out assault on Gaza amidst a disgraceful international silence.
The cycle of violence sweeping Iraq and Syria, expelling peaceful citizens has not let up, as recent events in Iraq and specifically in Mosul have completed the series of murder, religious prejudice, and terror.

We strongly condemn attacks on any segment of society in this Middle East and we especially condemn the attack on the Christians of Mosul and their being compelled by force of arms to change their religion under the penalty of paying the Jizya or abandoning their homes and having their property confiscated. These fundamentalist movements that are trying to become mini-states through force and terror with outside moral and material support are the greatest threat to people in the Middle East and to coexistence there. We ask the international community and specifically the United Nations and all global powers and organizations to take into proper consideration what is happening in Iraq, Mosul and the entire Middle East.

We call on them to deal with the current situation courageously, with a genuine language of human rights and not a language of interests that uses the principles of human rights and exploits them in the service of narrow aims and interests. We ask the countries that provide outside support to these groups, whether directly or indirectly, to cease immediately from all forms of material, moral, logistical and military support for these extremist groups and so cut off at its root the terrorism that is first of all a threat to the peace and peoples of those countries. We likewise call for an end to resorting to any form of violence as a means by which citizens deal with each other.

To read more, click here.



بيان صادر عن بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس


في الوقت الذي مازال فيه جرح سوريا نازفاً منذ أكثر من ثلاث سنين ووسط جروح العراق الذي اختبر مآسي الصراعات منذ ثمانينات القرن الماضي والقلاقل التي تجتاح كثيراً من الدول القريبة والبعيدة ووسط ركون العالم إلى جرح فلسطين الذي لم يندمل منذ ما يقارب السبعين عاماً، نشهد، في هذه الأيام خصوصاً، جرحاً مضاعفاً يتمثل بتهجير مسيحيي الموصل واستباحة غزة وسط صمتٍ دوليٍّ معيب.

وكأن دوامة العنف التي تجتاح العراق وسوريا والتي هجرت الكثير من المواطنين الآمنين لم تكف، فأتت الأحداث الأخيرة في العراق وفي الموصل بالتحديد لتكمل مسلسلاً من القتل والتكفير والإرهاب. ندين بشدة التعرّض لأيّ طيفٍ من أطياف هذا المشرق ونستنكر بشكل خاص التعرض للمسيحيين في الموصل وإجبارهم بقوة السلاح على تغيير معتقدهم تحت طائلة فرض الجزية أو هجر البيوت ومصادرة الممتلكات. إن هذه الحركات الأصولية، والتي تسعى أن تكون دويلات بمنطق القوة وترهيب الآخر وبدعم ماديّ ومعنويّ من الخارج، هي أخطر ما تكون على إنسان هذا المشرق وعلى العيش المشترك في رحابه. نطالب المجتمع الدولي وهيئة الأمم المتحدة بالتحديد وكل القوى والمنظّمات العالمية النظر بعين الحق إلى ما يجري في العراق والموصل وكل منطقة الشرق الأوسط، ونهيب بهم التعامل بشجاعة مع هذه الأوضاع الراهنة بلغة الإنسانية الحقّة لا بلغة المصالح التي تستخدم مبادئ الحقوق الإنسانية وتطوعها خدمةً للمآرب والمصالح الضيّقة. كما نطالب الدول التي تؤمّن الدعم الخارجي لهذه الحركات، مباشرة أو بشكل غير مباشر، بالوقف الفوري لكل أشكال الدعم المادي واللوجستي والعسكري والمعنوي لهذه الحركات المتطرفة وقطعِ دابر الإرهاب الذي هو خطرٌ أولٌ على شعوب وسلام تلك الدول أولاً. كما ندعو للكفّ عن اللجوء إلى كل شكل من أشكال العنف كوسيلة تعامل بين المواطنين.

نحن في بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس، إذ نؤكد دوماً أن المسيحيين والمسلمين هما رئتان لجسد مشرقيٍّ واحد، يقوم على المواطنة والعيش الواحد، نرفض كل ما من شأنه أن يسيء أولاً لسمعة الإسلام السمح الذي اختبرنا وإياه طيب أخوّةٍ وسلام عيشٍ، وأن يعطِّل ثانيًا حق المواطنين بممارسة حضورهم الوطنيّ بعيدًا عن أيّ ضغط فئويّ، مذهبيّاً كان أم عرقيّاً.

ووسط تفرّج العالم على ما يجري في الموصل، هاهو مسلسل العنف يتكرر في قطاع غزة تحت مبررات عدة وسط صمتٍ دوليٍّ مريب. كلّ ذلك والعالم الخارجي يكتفي بالتفرج على حمام الدم الذي لم يوفر أطفالاً ولا شيوخاً ولا نساءً. وكأن هذا المشرق قد أمسى مختبراً لفعالية كل أنواع الأسلحة وأرضاً خصبة تمر عليها كل المؤامرات. وكأن إنسانه سلعةٌ تجارية خُلقت لتكون عجينةً في يد قوى الظلام، وهو المخلوق ليكون صورة البهاء الرباني ومحط مرضاة الخالق بحسن العلاقة مع الأخ في الوطن والإنسانية.

نحن في بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس، ندرك وحدة المصير التي تربطنا مع إخواننا في فلسطين من مسيحيين ومسلمين، ونطالب المجتمع الدولي وقفَ آلة النار في غزة ورفع الحصار الآثم عن إخوتنا في فلسطين، الذين تبقى قضيتهم قضية البشرية بامتيازٍ ويبقى تشبّثُهم بأرضهم وتوقُهم للعودة إليها مبعث أملٍ لكل معذّبٍ في هذا المشرق ووصمةَ عار في جبين من تقف "حقوق الإنسان" عندهم عند روابي فلسطين، في حين تُجيَّرُ هذه "الحقوق" ويُتاجَر بها للتدخل في شؤون شعوب أخرى.

نصلي إلى الله أن يعطي العالم السلام وأن يقوي كل من هم في ضيق ويديم سلامه في المشرق لتنعم الإنسانية بالخير والطمأنينة.


Hannan Mounayyer                Lead Advisor

Emma Elhaj.                             President

Stephanie Farah                       Vice President

Yara Yazji.                                 Secretary

Luke Hatem.                            Treasurer

Ramon Ghawali.                     Public Relations



There is an ancient legend about a man who was so envious. Looking at the success and achievement of his neighbor, he cried out one day, “If only I could be successful and rich! Then I would be happy!” Suddenly an angel appeared and said, “I am here to grant your every wish -- on one condition.” He answered eagerly, “Yes, yes, what's this condition?” The angel answered, “Just this: every time you get something, your neighbor will get twice as much.” The man's face changed. Already he had become envious of that which his neighbor had not yet received. After some deep thought, he told the angel sadly, “I cannot take your offer. It would not be worth it. Why should my neighbor get double of everything I want to have? That would spoil everything.” Sadly, after that, the angel left him.
This legend is not far-fetched. Many have this urge to outdo the next person. This is born out of envy. In St. Paul's epistle to the Corinthians, we see that the sin of envy was hurting the church in Corinth. The people there were divided into factions because they were jealous of one another's gifts. Each believer was trying to be better than the other. So the Apostle Paul instructed them to follow the “more excellent way,” which is the way of love (1 Corinthians 12:31). He said that if someone has many gifts, but does not have love, their gift is meaningless. He reminded them, and us now, that love does not envy, nor does it boast.

“The value of fasting consists not in abstinence only from food, but in a renouncing of sinful practices.
Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works.
If you see a poor man, take pity on him!
If you see a friend being honored, do not envy him.
Do not let only your mouth fast, but also the eye and the ear and the feet and the hands and all members of your bodies.
Let the hands fast, by being free from greed.
Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin.
Let the eyes fast, by disciplining them not to glare at that which is sinful.
For it would be an instance of the highest ridiculousness to abstain from meats and unlawful food because of the fast, but with the eyes to feed on what is forbidden.
Let the ear fast, by not listening to evil talk and gossip.
Let the mouth fast from foul words and unjust criticism.
For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fish, and yet bite and devour our brothers?”
~ St. John Chrysostom ~

Please Pray for the Orthodox Faithful of Annunciation Orthodox Church in Pakistan

On February 6th, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore and South Asia, Annunciation Orthodox Church was opened in Pakistan - the first in this predominantly Muslim country. Under the pastoral care of Fr. John Tanveer, this community has grown over the past several years to include approximately 150 people. Please pray for our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan, that they may be given continued courage and strength to grow in the Faith and serve as living witnesses to the love of Christ.

To learn more about OCMC, Please click here

IOCC is Assisting in Evacuation of Syrians Fleeing Homs

February 12, 2014 (Baltimore, MD) Syrian civilians evacuated from the embattled city of Homs under a UN-negotiated cease-fire are being aided by International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) as they flee to safety. IOCC and its church partner in Syria, The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East (GOPA), are in Homs assisting in the evacuation that began this weekend and are providing emergency relief to the Syrian people fleeing the city.


To read more, Please click here


Saint George

Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral

320 Palermo Avenue

Coral Gables, Florida 33134

305-444-6541 (Phone)

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